Sunday, December 3, 2017

My Ideal Fantasy RPG

So I got into Dungeons and Dragons almost a decade ago. It was when my dad bought me the Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition Box. I had heard of Dungeons and Dragons before. But now it was the chance to try it out for myself.

Fast forward seven years and I now have the 5th Edition core rules, 4th Edition core rules, Pathfinder, 2nd Edition Player's Handbook, AND a few lesser known OGL stuff. Out of the lesser known 3.5 stuff in my digital library, one of them stands out: Heroes Against Darkness.

What caught my eye was that drow and orcs were playable characters. Not like broken or shoddy characters but actually playable ones.

The classes were a different story.

They were just re-hashes of classes that we have seen before. Others were essentially the same class but a different focus (a mage with illusion powers vs. a mage with divination powers). I would want things like that to be a specialization or sub-class, so if the player wants to, they can choose to specialize in their class.

So I had a bit conundrum: I like HOD's races but not their class selection.

Meanwhile, I liked the class selection of nearly every other d20 based fantasy role playing game but did not enjoy some of the race selections. For example, I did not care for 4th Edition's eladrin race. Like at all. I was also a little upset that they did not include gnomes in the first core rules book but in the SECOND one. However, I did like the inclusion of the warlord and warlock classes.

So what I ended up doing is making my own fantasy role playing game. With blackjack AND hookers!

Okay, reference to Futurama aside, I am creating my own ideal fantasy RPG based on the races and classes that I am fond of throughout the history of Dungeons and Dragons, as well bits and pieces of the rules from D&D and OGL products.

I shall update you all with my progress.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Welcome to the Warlock's Den! This is a place where we talk about tabletop roleplaying games along with other geek culture topics! Do expect some talk about anime, western comics, western animation, and speculative fiction in regards to tabletop gaming!